
North of Perú

In a country like Peru, there is enough to see and do in many of the popular places. So much so that many avid travelers often fail to experience the best unique places and activities.

Be sure to aim to hike to forgotten citadels, explore an ancient artisan market, and get more intimate with life in the heart of Peru’s small coastal towns and enchanted Andean valleys.

It’s pretty easy to get to some of these places; although others require a bit of courage and determination and the ability to endure a trip on Colectivo buses for some long trips.

Heading to places off the beaten path, it always helps if you speak a little Spanish and are respectful of local cultures.

With adventures to these lesser-known and visited destinations, you’ll have the opportunity to interact more closely with the locals, sites, history and traditions, all of which are the vital ingredients that make Perú special.

Below is our selection of culturally interesting places to visit in northern Peru.

Recommended places to visit


o   Sullana

o   Ayabaca: Aypate, Resto Arqueológico Inca

o   Piura

o   Talara: Máncora, Punta Sal & Vichayitos


beach, sand, ocean

Recommended places to visit


  • o   Trujillo
  • o   Chan-Chan
  • o   Huaca del Sol y la Luna
  • o   Huanchaco


Recommended places to visit


o   Granja Porcón

o   Necrópolis de Combayo

o   Ventanillas de Otuzco

o   Hacienda Sangal

o   Chaupirulli (Tambo Inca)

o   Cumbemayo

Recommended places to visit


o   Callejón de Huaylas (lagunas, restos arqueológicos): Huaraz, Carhuaz, Yungay, Caraz, Abra de Llanganuco, Camino María Josefa

o   Callejón de Conchucos: Chavín de Huantar, Piscobamba, Pomabamba, Huari

o   Casma, ciudad y desierto (playas inhóspitas)

Recommended places to visit


o   La Unión – Huanucopampa


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